Hummingbirds can be hostile. They usually attack each other. Solitary hummingbirds fiercely guard their territories.
Men claim a quarter acre based on food and water. Male hummingbirds are so aggressive they attack decoys. Female territories revolve around nests.
Local women are also aggressive toward men. Because males are brilliantly colored, they may attract predators that destroy her nest.
Female hummingbirds benefit from a male's tendency to chase off other males because they only have to cope with one highly colored bird.
To avoid one hummingbird stealing the food and scaring other birds, keep many feeders around your property. If food is sparse, hummingbirds will feed from the same feeder, although they don't like it.
Hummingbirds rarely harm humans. As with most things, hummingbirds can attack humans. Hummingbirds are too little to hurt people, and their bills are as sturdy as drinking straws.
Hummingbirds usually attack people for food. Due of their speed, hummingbirds are fearless. They will get in someone's face and make noise if they think it would get them food.
Smart hummingbirds remember who fills their feeders. This means they will treat their feeder owner differently than a passerby. If not moved and stocked, they will return to the same feeder for years.
Hummingbirds love red and may brazenly scrutinize someone wearing red clothing or jewelry. If you're hiking wearing a red hat, a hummingbird may approach your head and face to judge you. It will move on if you're neither food nor an enemy.